Songs can make us excited or bring us to tears. It is all about placement. Music is an important part of making a film. Even if something sad is happening, put a slow song with sappy lyrics and you’ve got the water works. Put the underdog to a quick beat and he’ll win the match.

While making this list, I did not include any songs from movie-musicals. The songs on the list are simply tracks that appear on a soundtrack for the film. These songs don’t have dances to move along to. They are simply words to fill your head to get you in the mood to watch and excellent film.

For a song to be successful in a film, it must be memorable. When you hear the song again, it must remind you of a character in a movie or a certain scene. The lyrics are key. They must not so complicated that it pulls you from the movie but it must also fit in with what is going on. It is an art to find the perfect one.

Below are the top ten movie songs.

This is a list of the top songs to grace the movie screen.

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