On September 10th, celebrities tweeted:

As per the usual, with the United States on the verge of maybe beginning to decide if we are going to do anything in Syria , like go to war, celebrities found ways to lighten the mood. Some focused on the significance of the day, celebrating famous days of birth and bringing suicide awareness to the forefront of discussion. Others told jokes. Some jokes were really quite funny, and about a certain 20-year-old popstar. Other jokes were not funny, but I give mentions for effort.

A one-hit-wonder caused us to ache and break and wonder about his relationship with his daughter. Similarly, every woman’s favorite rapper reminded us to spread the love and stay humble. And then there was a certain angelic singer who shared his New York Fashion Week plans.

WARNING: Some of these tweets are about Miley Cyrus. She’s been in the news lately for being naked or something . If you are sick of hearing about Miley Cyrus, you might as well turn your computer off.

Here are the Top Ten Celebrity Tweets from Tuesday, September 10th:

10. Ellen DeGeneres tweeted birthday wishes to golfer Arnold Palmer:

And this tweet is the whole reason why I love Ellen.

9. Rainn Wilson used his 140-characters for a good cause:

But, seriously folks.

8. Ricky Gervais was a sassy atheist:

Ricky, next time start the tweet by writing, “SPOILER ALERT.” Rookie atheist mistake.

7. Billy Ray Cyrus officially surpassed Kevin Spacey’s character Lester Burhnham in the rankings for Dad that Makes People the Most Uncomfortable:


6. Ben Schwartz made a funny:

Please just stick to being Jean-Ralphio.

5. Joan Rivers made me fall in love with her:

It’s funny because Miley Cyrus is always naked.

4. Steve Martin joked about the tongue-that-shall-not-be-photographed-ever-again-please-I’m-so-dreadfully-over-it:

I blame Liam Hemsworth for the desperate tongue. If he’s not spending time with it, I guess the world has to.

3. Britney Spears tweeted about the charity she’s been doing while we await her comeback:

The bitch is back!

2. Chris Brown, ladies and gentlemen:

You’re right Chris, nobody’s perfect, but you gotta work it (let’s only talk about and reference Miley Cyrus. She’s so hot right now.).

1. And, finally, Josh Groban for the win:

Pics or it didn’t happen!