The International Olympic Committee has named Tokyo the host for the 2020 Olympic Games.

The International Olympic Committee met in Buenos Aires to vote on the final location for the 2020 Olympic Games, ruling out Istanbul and Madrid. According to Yahoo Sports, Istanbul and Tokyo were the final competitors, but because of the war in Syria, it hindered Istanbul’s chances.

This had been Madrid’s third attempt to try and host the Olympics, but due to its unemployment rate and record of doping, the officials declined on the city, the New York Times reports.

Tokyo has already hosted the Olympics back in 1964, and the Winter Olympics twice. Despite health concerns over the radioactive leaks in the Pacific around Fukushima, Tokyo delegates assured the Committee it will not be an issue.

“Some may have concerns about Fukushima,” said the Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe. “Let me assure you the situation is under control. It has never done and will never do any damage to Tokyo.”

In addition, Japan promises adequate number of rooms for visitor, reliable transportation, and $4.5 billion guaranteed reserve funds.

The voting was under a secret ballot with 100 I.O.C members.