A young Chinese boy who was brutally attacked and had his eyes gouged out was fitted for free eye implants Tuesday after a Hong Kong doctor heard about the assault.

Guo Bin, 6, went missing while playing outside in Shanxi, China on Aug. 24. He was then found covered in blood with his eyes torn out.

After hearing about the attack, a Hong Kong doctor who owns a hospital in Southern China offered the young boy the eye operation free of charge.

According to Associated Press, doctors are also going to fit Guo Bin for navigation sensors, which will make it easier for him to get around on his own.

Despite the selfless kindness of the doctors, there are still many questions surrounding the attack. Daily Mail reports that the prime suspect is the boy’s aunt, Zhang Hiuying, who committed suicide soon after the incident by jumping down a well.

Guo Bin’s blood was found all over her clothes after a DNA test was done. Authorities do not yet know the motive of the attack, and the boy’s relatives claim the aunt would not commit such a horrible crime.