Teams found out at the beginning of the 4th leg that they would be heading now to Svolvaer Norway by both plane and ferry. With only one flight to the area, all teams were together as they arrived. While on the ferry Marie admitted that she will not give up the Express Pass until she and Tim hit the mat at the end of the 5th leg.
Once arriving, teams encountered a detour. In “Hang your Heads” teams had to string together 6 bundles of 10 fish heads and transport them to some drying racks to get their next clue. In “Hammer of the Cods,” teams would have to collect 15 pairs of cod from drying racks and hammer them with a wooden mallet until they made 1 kilo of fish jerky. All teams except Nicky and Kim and Tim and Danny chose “Hang Your Heads.”
Marie and Tim screwed up at the detour by not hanging their fish heads on a marked pole, and because Marie has previously screwed with the other teams by offering the express pass and was generally offensive to most people, no one willingly told them where they went wrong, though they figured it out after being passed by Jason and Amy, Brandon and Adam and Nicole and Travis.
After the detour, teams had to head to another village by boat, to receive their next clue, where they encountered a Roadblock. One team member had to leap off a bridge on an 80-foot rope and plunge into the cold arctic waters before receiving their next clue.
After the road block, teams would have to then choose a truck, and pull a sled with a boulder on it far enough to reveal both their next clue, and a satchel of Viking coins they will need later in the race. Here though, Tim and Marie only picked up their coins, and not the clue as well. After the truck challenge, teams would then have to make their way to the Viking LongHouse, where the Pit Stop was located.
Brandon and Adam arrived at the Longhouse first, winning the leg and $5,000 each. However, they also learned the leg was not over and they needed to continue racing immediately.
Nicole and Travis made one last attempt to get the Express Pass from Marie when she asked for help in figuring out where the Pit Stop was since she and Tim had left the clue behind, but she wouldn’t budge, causing Nicole and Travis to drive away.
The teams will continue checking in and finding out more about the next leg during next week’s episode.
'Amazing Race' 23 Recap: "Beards In The Wind"
Racers Face Arctic Chills in Norway
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