Have you ever wondered who actually is the voice of Siri? Veteran voice actor Susan Bennett claims that she is the original voice of Siri for Apple’s iPhone.

Apple has never commented on it and did not confirm that Bennett is Siri, but she broke her silence to CNN, which spoke with people who have worked with her and audio experts who say she is it.

Interest in Siri’s original voice has grown, since the new iOS 7 operating system gives Siri a new voice. There was also a report by The Verge that claimed that Allison Dufty was Siri, but she wrote on her blog that she is NOT the voice of Siri. So Bennett decided that it was now time to talk, considering that her U.K. and Australian counterparts already revealed their identities.

“I really had to weigh the importance of it for me personally. I wasn't sure that I wanted that notoriety, and I also wasn't sure where I stood legally. And so, consequently, I was very conservative about it for a long time,” Bennett told CNN. “And then this Verge video came out ... And it seemed like everyone was clamoring to find out who the real voice behind Siri is, and so I thought, well, you know, what the heck? This is the time.”

According to the NY Daily News, Bennett claims that the recordings were made back in 2005. The reason why some Siri phrases sound annoyed is because she did get annoyed at times with recording the phrases over four hours.

“That’s one of the reasons why Siri might sometimes sound like she has a bit of attitude,” she explained. “Those sounds might have been recorded the last 15 minutes of those four hours.”

image: CNN screenshot