January Blu was destined to shine bright as the sun. Whether it is through her music or through her positive attitude and view of the world.

She has turned all these experiences and observations into her single “Trip To The Moon,” which is as dreamy sonically, as the sole theme of the song.

Her new single is consisted of sweet, hazy, sugarcoated, pleasant to listen to vocals and dreamy, enchanted, upbeat, electric instrumentals. It is a feel-good music, a sunshine pop and all January Blu is about.

Her music is a unique experience that lets you walk in her shoes and see the world thorough her highly analytical and artistically sensitive eyes and ears. Blu manages to find inspiration anywhere she goes. Her ability to pay attention to the little details people usually oversee and sometimes fail to appreciate is exactly what Blu’s creative source is. She says about herself:

“With my eyes wide, ears open, dreaming under the California sun; nothing seemed impossible. Music was all around me, the sound of waves crashing, wind gusting and my father ripping on the piano while serenading my mother.”

Her music gives you a feeling of lightness and joy and an opportunity to escape to a bright, happy place, where the sun always shines.

Listen to the “Trip To The Moon” that she described to Vents Magazine as a “flirty love story where your mind can escape for a moment.”

Image: Press Kit