Japan has begun selling a wine targeted at cats called Nyan Nyan Nouveau, or meow Nouveau.

Fox News reports that B&H Lifes is the company that developed the wine.

The company realizes that few cats drink for taste, but are still hoping that overzealous cat owners might buy the wine for their cats to enjoy on special occasions.

According to The Huffington Post, the red wine does not contain any actual alcohol. It is instead made out of grape juice, Vitamin C and catnip.

The demand arose evidently after B&H Lifes received requests from customers that had wanted something they do share with their feline friends on holidays and special events. Why shouldn't cats have a wine; dogs already have one.

Each 180 mL bottle comes at the price of $4 or 399 yen. This product coming out of Japan isn't particularly surprising, Fox News notes, as the country is the second-largest win consumer, following only Germany.

Will you be buying this for your cat? It can be bought online here, provided you can read Japanese.

image: Wikimedia Commons