When word hit that Edgar Wright would be taking up the director's chair for the upcoming Ant-Man film, people couldn't have been more happy about that choice. But that was quite some time ago and there still hasn't been any confirmation on who's going to be playing the tiny hero. As production comes closer and closer Paul Rudd and Joseph Gordon-Levitt have emerged as the two front runners for the role, who it will actually be, no one knows.

According to Empire there has been no official announcement yet, only unidentified sources that lead to believe that Rudd and Levitt are both up to speculation for Marvel and Wright to decide. As always with Wright and especially now with Rudd and Levitt being rumored it looks like Ant-Man is bound to have a wicked sense of humor and fun that Edgar Wright is known for.

Both actors were recieved by Marvel executives for another final interview before the ruling decision is made according to Daily News. With Ant-Man being slated for a July, 2015 release date, expect to see the final casting decision soon. What do you think, would Paul Rudd or Joseph Gordon-Levitt make the better Ant-Man?