As part of my workout routine I lift weights, heavy weights, so keeping up with my protein intake is important to me. Add to this I'm busy mom, who puts a premium on eating right when I can. But honestly, between work and school, kids classes and keeping up with the house, I don't always have time to prepare a full meal. So I drink a lot of smoothies--its a great way to get in some extra fruits and vegetables on the go.

The TwinLab Clean Series Sport protein supplement is an advanced protein blend, specifically designed to promote muscle recovery. It also contains no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. That is a huge plus for me. I was shocked to see how many supplements contain additives that I am just not interested in consuming.

The sport formula also contains branch chain amino acids (BCAA's) in a precise ratio to help promote lean muscle growth. And it's Gluten Free. Not a personal concern of mine, but for many people this is important, whether due to allergies or simply lifestyle choices.

The directions for the sport protein say it can be mixed with just water--and to be honest it really didn't taste bad that way. I personally prefer it mixed in a smoothie though. One of my favorite things--it didn't really alter the flavor of the smoothie for me.

At $43.99 for a 1.75lb container with approximately 20 servings, the price is steep but comparable to other protein blends of this caliber. Available on Amazon or directly from