Two girls, ages 12 and 14, have been arrested after a 12-year-old girl they had been bullying committed suicide in Florida.

The girls are being charged with felony aggravated stalking, CBS News reports.

Nearly 15 girls "terrorized" Rebecca Ann Sedwick for nearly a year through texts and message boards. Due to the case, several girls had their cellphones and computers seized as evidence.

Her mother Tricia Norman said one message haunts her, where it said, "You haven't killed yourself yet. Go jump off a building."

Sheriff Grady Judd says the bullying started over a boyfriend and Rebecca became depressed.

According to USA Today, Norman said the girls "would tell her she's ugly, stupid, nobody liked her, go kill yourself." She also blames the school district for not doing enough.

On Sept. 9, Judd said Rebecca had texted that she was going to jump from the cement tower in a text to a boy she knew online. The sheriff also commented that her computer contained "red flags," such as web searches for "how to get blades out of razors," "what is overweight for a 13-year-old girl" and "how many over-the-counter drugs do you take to die."

Rebecca even changed schools, but the bullying simply continued online.