Two men were killed when flash floods were triggered in Austin, Texas on Thursday following heavy rains across the state.

The National Weather Service said that areas of Texas saw more than a foot of rainfall, with 14 inches reported in the town of Wimberly, reports Dallas News. The heavy rains came from a storm system that swept across the entire United Stated and went from the Michigan area all the way down through the south of Texas.

"We saw very significant flooding," City Manager Marc Ott said in a statement at a new conference. "In some cases people cut holes through rooftops to have access to the outside."

Over 100 people were rescued from the floods when the rains caused floods to flow into about 500 different homes throughout Texas, reports USA Today. The heavy rains, which began on Wednesday, had caused rivers to swell and overflow onto the surrounding lands.

Two people were killed as a result of the flooding.

One man was killed when he was swept from his vehicle when a flash flood hit the road he was driving on, just south of Austin.

The second man who died was a 50 or 60-year-old man who was found dead in the swelled Onion Creek on Thursday. His body was found lying in a pile of debris that had collected in the creek.

The identities of the two men have not been released.