“Bubble gum” pop music hasn’t really seen a lot of progress throughout the last few years. Characterized by upbeat, simple poppy beats and clichéd lyrics, nothing has really changed. And One Direction, while honest and genuine, can’t be the only ones who keep the genre afloat, there needs to be someone else. And since Miley Cyrus took off to more ghetto pastures with her last endeavor, who will step up?

In comes Adil Memon, the former X-factor contestant, who, with his second debut single, "Official,” looks to eat up the airways.

The song, while somewhat predictable, has just enough heart to make it a true gem. The beat is polished, with a backing track that is nothing too fancy and yet it is exemplary in the way it complements his subtle voice perfectly. To top it off, smooth transitions, pleasant harmonies and sappy, love-induced lyrics make this song perfect for the romantically-inclined.

Yet, this song still falls to the follies of all bubble-gum pop songs: the vocals are not superb, never does Memon really change keys or climb octave ladders. And while the effortlessness of the music is pleasant at times, it also creates a disconnect between Memon in the song, as if he does not really care for the track.

All in all, the track is a guilty-pleasure for music critics and a pleasure for others. The song also paves a nice path for the singer to take advantage of in the near future.

Score: 3.5/5 (Pop-Music rating)
