George Zimmerman was arrested Nov. 19th when police received an urgent phone call from Samantha Scheibe, who claimed Zimmerman threatened her with a gun. Zimmerman is currently in a Florida prison, awaiting to appear in front of a judge; in the very courthouse he stood trial for murdering Trayvon Martin.
Scheibe called 911 and accused Zimmerman of brandishing a gun at her, and destroying her possessions: "He's in my house, breaking all my s--- because I asked him to leave, he's got a freaking gun breaking all my stuff right now." ABC reports.
When the police arrived Scheibe gave officers a key to the house. Officers had to push through barricades behind the door to enter. Zimmerman gave no resistance, but declined to speak to the police outside.
According to CNN the sheriff's office sought to obtain a search warrant to recover Zimmerman's guns- however, Zimmerman allegedly stowed the firearms before the authorities arrived.
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