If you want to sign up for health care insurance but need more time, do not fear because the deadline has been pushed back.

According to the New York Times the Obama Administration declared today that they will extend the enrollment period for eight days.

The 2015 enrollment period for insurance under the Affordable Care Act will also be extended for a month.

The delay will not only help people to decide what they want to do, but it will help insurance companies set their rates for 2015.

“This gives them more time to assess the pool of people who are getting insurance through the marketplaces and make decisions about what rates will look like in the coming year,” said Jay Carney, White House press secretary.

While the administration talked to insurers in advance about the extension, some feel that the extension will make it harder to process the enrollments, which are supposed to go into effect Jan. 1.

“It makes it more challenging to process enrollments in time for coverage to begin on January 1,” said Robert Zirkelbach, spokesman for industry lobbying group American’s Health Insurance Plans according to CNBC.

This delay can help last minute people who are trying to decide what kind of insurance to get.