In an undercover investigation, carried out by the Humane Society of the United States, Georgia Regents University has been documented egregiously experimenting on dogs (obtained from dubious Class B animal dealers) for non-medical purposes, and enlisting the services of animal traffickers. Kim Basinger has taken it upon herself to narrate the gruesome video, documenting the perils canines suffer at GRU; calling to action all who would champion the rights, and liberties, for those who have no voice, nor power to do so.

The investigation lasted three months, according to Express. The Humane Society of the United States is responsible for unearthing thousands of animal cruelty violations nationwide.

GRU is testing on animals not for medical uses, but for that of dental cosmetics. The dogs are put to death after enduring unmeasured hours of agony, and then sliced open to obtain a sliver of their jaw bones; for the name of beauty.

Ecorazzi reports that the experimentation at GRU was not mandated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

The video presents a myriad of frightened dogs pinning for love and attention, imprisoned behind great fence cells. The USDA filed a legal grievance opposing Schroeder for allegedly purveying dogs from animal traffickers.

65,000 dogs nationwide are brutalized and maimed for the usage of animal experimentation- despite the fact that synthetic programs can be utilized to emulate scientific research.
