Matt Springfield is an unexpected artist in today’s music industry. Pulling from variety of inspirations, it is not clear after listening to, Erase All Data, which genre this album should land in musically.

The album has an interesting sound that is not expected when music fans first hear the tracks. Springfield is a singer songwriter who started exploring music when he was only six. It would appear that since the age of six, he has been collected and working with a variety of creative influences.

Springfield is a France-based artist who has found a way to blend these multiple influences and experiment with a musical sound throughout his most recent album. The first track sounds different than the second and so on. It is a musical journey instead of focusing on one sound.

It feels as though Springfield has combined EDM influences that are popular in today’s musical industry with some heavy influences from the 1980s. It is clearly that the 80s new wave influences inspired and drove Springfield in the direction he chose for Erase All Data.

What makes Erase All Data very memorable is Springfield’s vocal performance combined with the instrumentals that help to make the overall sound loud and up front.

Stand out tracks on the album include, “The End of Life,” “Poplife!” and “Haunted.”