A Miami Herald journalist, held in custody, was released by Venezuelan authorities after two days.

The reported, Jim Wyss, was detained during a reporting trip near Venezuela’s border in Columbia according to New York Times.

Wyss was taken into custody and questioned, but never given a reason as to why. He is the Andes region bureau chief for the Miami Herald and was covering a story about contraband when he was detained.

This happened after the reporter inquired of the National Guard for information on the story he was working on.

“They decided to dig deeper into who I was,” Wyss said.

The Miami Herald reported that Wyss arrived at the Miami International Airport on Sunday, while his girlfriend and family waited for him.

Venezuelan authorities said they took the reporter into custody because he did not have permission to report in the country.

The South American country has been dealing with problems of crime, corruption, and price gouging, which resulted in an ordered military take out by President Nicolas Maduro according to Reuters.

The Miami Herald reporter did say that he was not physically or verbally threatened, the authorities needed confirmation that he was a reporter.
Wyss is back in Columbia where he resides and will not be slowing down, “I hope to be back at work soon covering the elections,” he said.

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