Young Lee, a co-founder of the frozen yogurt chain Pinkberry, has been convicted of assault with a deadly weapon.

In June 2011, Lee hit a homeless man with a tire iron on a Los Angeles 101 Freeway off-ramp, CBS New reports. In addition, jurors also found that Lee was guilty of great bodily harm towards the victim.

The homeless man, Donald Bolding, was smacked across the head twice and he suffered a broken arm. Bolding was panhandling when Lee pulled up in a car with several passengers, including his then-fiance, and got in his face because he thought Bolding was disrespecting his wife by flashing a tattoo of two stick figures having sex.

According to Los Angeles Times, Lee and his defense had argued that he was not the one who actually beat Bolding with the tire iron.

Deputy District Attorney Bobby Zoumberaskis said during closing arguments, "This case is not 'Who did it?' It's 'Who did what?'"

Lee's attorney, Philip Kent Cohen, said that Bolding "flat-out lied" that Lee held the tire iron. He said that witnesses at the scene gave conflicting reports of the clothing the attacker wore, providing doubt that Lee was beat Bolding.

The Pinkberry co-founder could face up to seven years in prison.