The musical performers have been announced for the upcoming Victoria Secret Fashion Show. Performers include, Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy Neon Jungle and A Great Big World.

The Hollywood Reporter added that for all four artists this will be their Victoria’s Secret fashion show debut.

Swift is currently on a worldwide tour promoting her currently album Red. Fall Out Boy has just reunited and released their fifth studio album, Save Rock and Roll. Fall Out Boy is also currently on tour.

Neon Jungle is an all girl group from the UK. The band just finished up a tour with Jessie J and is slowly being introduced into the music industry here in the United States.

A Great Big World recently came into fame and success when they debuted their single with Christina Aguilera on The Voice. Following that performance their single, "Say Something" launched onto the iTunes top 100 charts.

Past artist to perform on the runway include; Maroon 5, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Kanye West and Justin Timberlake.

Billboard added that the runaway show will take place Wednesday at the Lexington Armory in New York. The show will air on CBS, Tuesday, Dec. 10th at 10 p.m.

Listen to Fall Out Boy here:

Listen to "Red"by Taylor Swift here:

image: Wikimedia Commons