Yesterday Doctor Who, one of the longest running television shows in Britain, celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with the special titled The Day of the Doctor. That episode has now achieved a historical milestone that perfectly suits of the legacy of Doctor Who.

According to The Telegraph, the fiftieth anniversary special, which was broadcasted live in a simulcast viewed in ninety-four countries and six continents, earned a Guinness World Record for being the world's biggest simulcast of a TV drama. Furthermore, the special was seen by 10.2 million people in the UK alone, giving the rebooted series some of its biggest overnight ratings.

The Daily Mirror reported that in addition to the television simulcast, the anniversary special was shown in at least 1,500 movie theaters worldwide. The event sold half a million tickets and international film audiences, including America, Canada, Britain, Latin America, Russia, got to watch The Day of the Doctor in 3-D. The series is already listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the single most successful sci-fi series in television history.