Twitter is adding another form of protection to its site to keep out government agencies that want to spy on its users.

Tech Radar reported that the microblogging site is using a technology called Forward Secrecy to protect its user’s information.

Google used Forward Secrecy in 2011 according to Google blog and most recently Facebook is using it as well.

The company released a statement on its official blog about the new technology used and how it works, “If an adversary is currently recording all Twitter users’ encrypted traffic, and they later crack or steal Twitter’s private keys, they should not be able to use those keys to decrypt the recorded traffic.”

The new encryption software will work for mobile twitter and api twitter as well.

The social network tweeted about the technology also linking users to their blog.

According to Forbes Forward Secrecy is better than HTTPS, also known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL), because all someone has to do it get the SSL key and they can go back and decode past information. However, the same cannot be done with Forward Secrecy.

Public Twitter pages are not protected.

Photo courtesy of Amazon.