An amazing time-lapse video surfaced on YouTube this week, showing Jim Wolf, a homeless veteran who deals with alcoholism, undergoing a dramatic transformation. Over three minutes, he is shown going from a full beard and long hair to combed hair and wearing a suit.

The video was posted by Rob Bliss Craative, which produced it, notes The Huffington Post. It notes that Wolf volunteered for the transformation in September and that since then, he has taken control of his future, even attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.

At the end of the clip, viewers are asked to donate to Dégagé Ministries, a group that is aiming to help homeless veterans. At the moment, they are halfway to their $10,000 goal, with $5,750 donated already.

The video has gone viral, with over 1.2 million views and stories around the web about it. There are also over 3,100 comments on the video and 8,950 up votes.

“For me, personally, I’ve been trying to get more into doing things for a better purpose,” Bliss said in an interview with The Blaze. “Doing it for the benefit of this community.”

image: YouTube screenshot