Video game enthusiasts are crowding to stores by hundreds to get their hands on the newest generation of the Xbox gaming console, which is selling for $500.

The Xbox one has outsold the Xbox 360 on a first-day sales basis (which was launched eight years ago). Retail stores are scrambling to restock their stores to continue cashing in on mammoth sales. USA Today reports that on the first day of the launch gamers have slaughtered over 60 million zombies in Dead Rising 3 and drove more than 3.6 million miles on Forza Motorsport 5.

Sony, Microsoft's competitor has matched sales, stating that the Playstation 4 has topped over 1 million dollars in sales.

The Wall Street Journal quotes Yusuf Mehdi, the head of marketing for the Xbox corporation, "We are on track for the biggest launch of any kind."

Despite the platform's early success there are some who speculate that the sensation arousing in new products will die down for the Xbox One.