Beloved actor Paul Walker from the Fast and Furious series passed away in a car accident when his Porsche collided with a tree in Southern California. The autopsy of his body has recently confirmed that he may have been alive after the initial scene of the crash, yet when the car burst into flames the young actor lost his life.

The Lost Angeles County coroner's office released an initial one-page report on Wednesday stating that Walker's death was caused by the "combined effects of traumatic and thermal injuries," according to CNN .

Rodger Rodas, who was behind the wheel of the crimson Porsche Carerra GT agonized from "multiple traumatic injuries." It is not yet clear if Rodas was still alive before the car burst into flames.

It is still largely unclear in what state that Walker and Rodas were in directly after the collision.

Paul Walker Sr. is grieving heavily over the loss of his son lamenting ”His heart was so big, I was proud of him every day of his life" according to WGN .

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