The four men that went missing on a mountain trail in California on Sunday morning have been found. The men were uninjured.

The four men had left to go mountain biking at 10 a.m. on Sunday in Altadena. They were taking a trail towards the Jet Propulsion Laboratory notes the Associated Press.

Authorities were called to locate the missing bikers around 3 p.m. on Sunday and started searching for them from 7:30 p.m. until 4 a.m. Monday morning.

Deputy Dan Paige said this was most likely the first time the men had used this trail. Temperatures were also reported to be in the mid 40’s and all the men carried with them were “camo packs and t-shirts” notes NBC LA.

Authorities held a meeting around 7 a.m. Monday morning before resuming their search. The men were found around 8:30 a.m.

Details have not been released as to what caused the men’s disappearance but due to the fact that the men had never ridden that trail before they more than likely just lost their way in the mountains.