In a new viral video, the Holderness family from Raleigh, North Carolina are seen rapping about their “Christmas jammies” and appropriately dressed in their pajamas.

Penn and Kim Holderness, along with their two kids; Lola, 6, and Penn Charles, 3, posted their video Christmas card much to the delight of internet users.

In their “jammies” with their names on it, the family raps about their year and updates family and friends on all of the exciting things going on in their life, Daily News notes.

"It's completely tongue in check," Kim explained. "There are quite a few YouTube comments like, 'Are these people serious?' We're like, no, we don't take ourselves seriously. We're totally making fun of ourselves and of traditional Christmas cards."

In the video, Penn raps about getting a vasectomy and how Lola can now count to 100 in Chinese. They even show off their red Prius, which they bought this year.

Penn took to Twitter to talk about how much recognition their video is getting, writing:

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