The Canadian corporation, IMAX, will be expanding their plans to put the large format screens in India. Recent films such as, Gravity and the Bollywood film Dhoom 3,have experienced unparalleled success at the box office and each film was released in IMAX in India.
India has eight IMAX screens currently and that number will likely double by the end of next year.
Variety reported that 18% of the $6 million Gravity earned in India came from the large screen format.
IMAX started to open screens back in 2008 according to a press release by the corporation but the with the success of both foreign and domestic films the needs for more screens is clear.
Greg Foster, chief executive officer of Imax Entertainment and senior executive vice president, IMAX Corp spoke about the need and reasons for expanding in india. “We think the potential is very strong, as we’ve seen from the box office that’s been generated on ‘Gravity’ which far exceeded our expectations and shows there is a big market opportunity for us in India,” said Foster.
Dhoom 3 has broken records in the United States and India becoming one of the most successful Bollywood films of all time.
image: Warner Brothers