It's obvious to see that Lady Gaga is a true visionary when it comes to her music. But when that vision is able to create a message that is able to save a fan from committing suicide, that vision becomes much more special.

The pop idol recently sent a fan a message through her community website titled “,” in an effort to help out the fan from inflicting harm on herself. The fan, who is reported to be from the County Offaly area in Ireland, had submitted a post earlier that suggested that she was close to taking her own life. That is when the “Paparazzi,” megastar entered the scene and offered her support.

According to the Toronto Sun, Gaga sent the following message to the fan, “"We all love you. Nothing is worth taking your life. Just remember how sad I would be, how sad we would all be. We are connected through the music and that is powerful. Listen to music and get creative with your life. You can be and become anything. You have more power than u think."

The fan later went on to thank Gaga for her words of encouragement and replied with the message, "I love you so much Gaga, you're everything to me and what you done for me yesterday was amazing... You saved me and my family and friends can thank you for that... With your support I am strong and knowing that you took time out of your busy life just made me so honoured to be here... I (was) suicidal and you saved me, you don't understand how you have changed my life completely."

Lady Gaga has been known to impact the lives of many but when her words are able to impact the lives of her fans on a personal level, she becomes much more than entertainer. She becomes a life-saver.

Image: Wikimedia Commons