On Thursday it was announced that Jang Song-taek, Kim Jong-un's uncle and the once No. 2 most powerful man in the country had been executed. Since that announcement, the government has been on a spree to edit or delete Jang Song-taek from news articles online.

Jang was executed for allegedly trying to overthrow the government and he was labeled a "traitor for all ages."

The Korean Central News Agency claims that Jang admitted to all the charges that were laid against him before he was executed. The reports didn't hold back in their humiliation of Jang, with him being called "despicable human scum ... worse than a dog."

Now, according to PC World, state-run websites have been busy scrubbing out Jang from history.

KCNA's website and other state-run new sites mysteriously went down both shortly before his execution and shortly after the news was made public. Shortly after they came back up many references to Jang were gone.

The changes were often simple deletion of sentences in articles referring to Jang, a researcher, Frank Feinstein, who is part of a KCNA Watch service which archives articles in case of the government's current actions.