Skydance Productions has acquired an untitled science fiction project based on an original idea by Shane Salerno in a seven-figure deal. This might be the last large purchase in the industry before the new year starts.
Deadline reported that Salerno is currently working on the Avatar sequels with James Cameron for Fox.
Salerno also wrote and directed the feature documentary Salinger, which was released theatrically by The Weinstein Company and made its TV debut on American Masters on PBS.
Little is known about this upcoming project but it is known that Salerno will write the screenplay, and Skydance’s David Ellison and Dana Goldberg will produce.
Skydance confirmed the deal, but would not provide any details on the size of the film or the storyline.
Ellison, prolific co-financier/producer for Skydance productions commented on the upcoming film. “The second we heard Shane’s pitch, we immediately wanted to partner with him on this project, we are thrilled to be on board," said Ellison.
Skydance has a number of projects upcoming including a Terminator reboot and Mission Impossible: 5, reported Cinema Blend.