Earlier Monday, four Harvard University buildings were evacuated by police after they were given a warning indicating that there potentially were explosives, but after several hours the buildings were reopened.

The FBI would not say if there were an explosives found in any of the four buildings, two classrooms, a science center and a dorm, they did note that the evacuation was out of caution, The Associated Press reports.

The Ivy League school released a statement saying, "Harvard's focus is on the safety of our students, faculty and staff."

Alexander Ryjik, a junior at the university, speculated that the bomb report was a way for some student to get out of an exam. "It's frustrating because now the exam will have to be postponed."

As reported earlier, the police received the warning of bombs being placed in four buildings via email in the morning, but after a few hours of searching the buildings, they concluded that the warning was likely a hoax. By 11 a.m., roads near Harvard had been reopened.

image: Wikimedia Commons