The members of the Fray have found themselves at the center of a bar fight in their latest video for "Love Don't Die." The band is back with their latest single and video for the hit single.

Normally the visuals from The Fray features the band performing and some signature piano playing but this video for "Love Don't Die" takes the band and fans in a whole new visual direction. The music video focuses on the band performing at a very rowdy bar. Punches fly, glass is broken and drinks are spilled. "Love Don't Die" is very different from the typical style of video that the band puts out.

Even though the setting for the video is a departure for The Fray, it is funny and fits into the upbeat and rhythmic styling of "Love Don't Die." The video might be the band saying that they are going in a new direction and are ready for a new fight.

The Fray manages to win this rowdy bar fight and have a hit song in the process.

Helios the upcoming album which features "Love Don't Die," is set to be released on January 14th.

Watch the video for “Love Don’t Die” here: