When you think of Christmas songs, the word sexy never really comes to mind. However, taking a looking at some of the classic holiday songs, some of them are pretty sexual. I found 10 holiday songs that are worth looking into again.

There are endless amounts of Christmas songs. People sing about snow and Jesus’ birth. They sing about Frosty and Santa. However, there is a small percentage of those Christmas songs that are strictly about L-O-V-E and not the G-rated kind.

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When picking songs, I tried to avoid songs that the ones that were purposely dirty to be funny. For example, Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake’s “D-k In A Box” did not make the list because it was jokingly sexy.

The 10 songs on the list made it because they had hints of sexual activities in it. Not all of the songs are about sex or doing sexy things, some of them simply imply that the sexy things will occur soon.

After finishing the list, comment on what you think the sexiest.

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