Animation studio LAIKA introduces their newest film with this charming new trailer. Announced earlier this year, The Boxtrolls is the newest film from the studio that brought us Coraline and Paranorman, two films that I enjoyed very much. Their latest film is based on the novel Here Be Monsters! by Alan Snow and stars Ben Kingsley, Simon Pegg, and Elle Fanning. The novel has been compared to the work of Roald Dahl and J.K. Rowling so there should be something here for moviegoers of all ages.

This is a great example of a trailer that doesn't give much away but still gets me very excited to watch the film. The behind the scenes type approach is one that I've never really seen before and I think the reason it works here is because we're dealing with stop-motion animation. The trailer show's the amount of care and attention to detail that LAIKA puts into these films and shows off just enough of the actual film to give moviegoers an idea of what the movie will be about. I've always found stop-motion animation really cool and LAIKA's work in particular never disappoints.

The Boxtrolls hits theaters Sept. 26, 2014.