Warner Brothers has released the second official trailer for writer-director Spike Jonze's lastest film Her. Set in the near future, Her follows a man named Theodore Twombly(Joaquin Phoenix) who, after a particularly painful break-up, becomes attached to a new advanced operating system named "Samantha." Samantha(voiced by Scarlett Johansson) interacts with Theodore everyday and their friendship grows into something more.
The first trailer for "Her" was more of teaser and didn't explicitly show how Theodore falls in love with Samantha. In this second trailer it's clear that Theodore enter's into some type of romantic relationship with Samantha. Joaquin Phoenix seems to be doing really good work here and we get to see more of the cast. Rooney Mara plays Theodore's ex-girlfriend and Amy Adams is seen discussing Theodore's new relationship with him. The music combines with the visuals nicely to give the trailer that dream like quality present in Jonze's work. I've been looking forward to his film since the first trailer and will definitely be checking this one out.
Her opens Dec. 18, 2013 in limited release and goes wide on Jan. 10, 2014.