Only hours after getting married, a groom was struck by a motorist and killed in Indiana on Saturday night. William Knight, 49, got out of his car to help a woman pulled over on the side of the road.

Knight’s new wife, Nikki, waited in the car as he got out to help 42-year-old Linda Darlington who was stranded on the side of the road due to her car being stuck in a ditch.

“He said, ‘We’ve got to stop, it’s late and they need help,’” Nikki explained, Chicago Sun-Times reports.

The Lake County sheriff’s office confirmed both Knight and Darlington were standing on the side of the road when they were hit by three cars. They were first hit by a car heading east, then two cars trailing the first hit them next.

Autopsies performed on Sunday show both Knight and Darlington died of blunt force trauma.

According to ABCLocal, the newlyweds were on the way to their hotel from their wedding reception. Knight was a U.S. Army Ranger.