The Case Against 8 is a new documentary that premiered at Sundance on Saturday. The film, focusing on lawyers Ted Olson and David Boies, is keeping conversations going.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Olson said at a recent Q&A after a screening of the film, "The goal is to have marriage equality in all 50 states in five year. If you look at the progress that has been made since June, I think you can see that we are well on our way."

This documentary shows the varying points of view on Proposition 8, including arguments that have gone to the Supreme Court. Olson was the solicitor general under President George W. Bush. Boies shared opposite points of view in many ways. Both attorneys have both been struggling to make gay marriage legal for that long.

The Case Against 8 was shown as part of Sundance's U.S. Documentary Competition. The filmmakers involved in this project are Ben Cotner and Ryan White. According to Variety, Cotner is the senior VP of acquisitions of Open Road Films. Ryan White has previously worked on Pelada.

The Case Against 8 will debut on HBO in June.

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