The government’s ‘Let’s Move’ ideal has been all but embraced by teens according to the latest fitness data.
One in four of children between the ages of 12 and 15 meet the government’s recommendations for daily exercise, according to The Associated Press.
This data was compiled with information from 800 kids who reported their daily physical activity as part of a 2012 survey. While researchers don’t see this as disappointing at all, they still see plenty of room for improvement.
"We hope to see these numbers improve," says Tala Fakhouri, author of the new report. A study from 2011 took a look at high schoolers in which 29 percent met guidelines, according to US News and World Report.
31 percent of boys and 40 percent of girls meet the hour-a-day exercise recommended. Basketball, running and football were all the most popular forms of exercise for boys while running, walking and basketball were most popular among girls.
Lack of physical activity can lead to obesity and the long term consequences of obesity can be serious. It heightens your risk for diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, asthma, arthritis and other health problems.
Families can take walks after dinner, exercise together and make sure their children stay active in order to avoid obesity and increase healthy living among boy and girls across the nation.