The three year venture, Big CBS Networks, will no longer be distributing television programming in India. Big CBS included Big CBS Prime, Big CBS Love, and youth channel, Big CBS Spark. The channels drew content from CBS’ 70,000 hour library, according to The Hollywood Reporter. This greatly increased the popularity of CBS shows abroad.

Reliance CEO Tarun Katial told Variety, ”The launch of Big CBS Prime is the first step towards addressing the current need gaps of Indian viewers for internationally acclaimed quality programming.”

He further explained that with distribution tie-ups, his company plans to reach over 20 million households. Reliance also distributes Bloomberg TV India. Their radio programming includes Big FM. They run 45 stations nationwide, and have been focusing on expanding their regional channels business.

CBS will continue to license its shows, and strides in increased access will make watching popular American shows the norm in India. Indian viewers will still be able to see NCIS, Survivor, The Good Wife, and Late Show With David Letterman.

CBS Corp. also started a venture agreement with Europe’s RTL group that has launched viewing channels in Southeast Asia.

Image: Wikimedia Commons.