Johns Hopkins University researchers found that meditating daily may help people with anxiety, depression and even pain.

Meditation is a way to train your mind, create awareness and find inner peace for most people. People who meditate generally practice it 30 to 40 minutes per day.

According to WebMD, although meditating has been around for centuries, its actual medical benefits are widely unknown. This study in particular reviewed 47 studies that took a look at meditation’s effect on substance abuse, eating habits, pain, weight, sleep, etc.

Prior to the study conducted by Johns Hopkins, other studies found very moderate benefits for anxiety and depression. However, lead researcher, Dr. Madhav Goyal, pointed out that studies prior to this one did not study people who were clinically diagnosed with anxiety or depression.

The LA Times reported that researchers did say that stronger study designs would be needed to really determine whether or not meditation was beneficial for ones health.

Because meditation methods, lengths, times of day and reasons why someone practices all differ, it is hard to decide one way or another. No harm ever comes out of meditating, according to Goyal.

Goyal said. "So, we don't know if more meditation practice would result in larger benefits, and this needs to be tested in future research"