Thomas Kretschmann, who currently stars on NBC’s Friday night show Dracula, has been cast in a villain role in Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Sources for the Hollywood Reporter have confirmed that Kretschmann will play Wolfgang von Strucker, who has been a villain for both Captain America and Nick Fury in the comics. He’s a former Nazi officer who rises to become a HYDRA leader. The character will be a secondary villain, since the villain in the title - Ultron - is the lead in the new film. Ultron is played by James Spader.

THR also reported that Kretschmann signed on for more than one film, like most Marvel actors do.

Kretschmann is known for roles in 2005’s King Kong, Wanted and Downfall. He plays Abraham Van Helsing on Dracula.

Marvel has also been busy casting Ant-Man this week, tapping Michael Douglas and offering a role to Michael Pena.

Age of Ultron opens on May 1, 2015.

image: NBC