Gov. Chris Christie has been in the news a lot lately and for a few different reasons. Well now it’s for his education proposal, which is to make school days longer and summer breaks shorter for the state’s students.

According to the Star Ledger the governor would like to make education the centerpiece of his second term, with a call for longer school days and shorter vacations.

Forbes notes that during his State of the State address on Tuesday, the New Jersey governer did acknowledge the “bridgegate" scandal surrounding him, but soon shifted attention to education.

He talked about New Jersey’s high graduation rate and the billions made in yearly investments, but said that improvements were needed.

"Our school calendar is antiquated both educationally and culturally. Life in 2014 demands something more for our students,” Christie said. “It is time to lengthen both the school day and school year in New Jersey."

If it happens, New Jersey wouldn't be the first place to enact longer school days. The City of Chicago did so in 2012.