When dealing with a sibling or a friend accidents and arguments are bound to happen. Violence is never the answer and extremes catch everyone off guard.
According to the Chicago Tribune, a young girl, 11, was brutally murdered by her older sister, 14, with a kitchen knife early Tues. morning.
The motive behind the killing was the older sibling felt unvalued for her actions that week by the younger sister, the victim, reports CNN.
Arguments when you are this young normally do not go beyond name calling and story-telling to get you point across. Time out and no recess are the worst punishments ever and please do not tell the other kids my socks do not match are thought and uttered far more than serious violence is considered.
Lately trends have shown that teens and preteens mean “business” and desire to be like adults in the violence acts they commit. Truly the impact they create in a community and nation-wide cannot possibly be fully embedded in their thoughts.
Actions speak louder than words and school kids are speaking volumes as the nation listens closely.
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