The United States brand of stamps will cost a bit more.

The Associated Press stated that the United States Postal Service (USPS) saw an increase in stamp prices on Sunday, raising it to 49 cents, according to MSN News.

The additional three cents might not seem like a lot on an individual level, but the company is trying to see big strides on their end.

According to The Indy Channel, the Postal Service wants to regain $2.8 billion roughly over the next two years.

Taxation is one way to increase profit or lessen debt, but it does not always work as well as planned.

"It will drive more customers away from using the Postal Service and will have ripple effects through our economy — hurting consumers, forcing layoffs and impacting businesses," said the president of the Association of Magazine Media, Mary G. Berner in an interview with The Indy Channel.

Hopefully the USPS can see an increase in revenue and continue to deliver mail throughout the country.

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