India's Human Resources Shashi Tharoor's wife, Sunanda Pushkar Tharoor, was found dead in her Delhi hotel room on Friday and an autopsy revealed that she had an "unnatural sudden death."
Her body was taken to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences and the head of the autopsy board, Dr. Sudhir Gupta, told CNN, "This is a preliminary report but we can say that it is a cause of unnatural sudden death."
He added that she had injuries they couldn't yet divulge and had sent off a samples for a toxicology report.
Before Sunanda had died, she had hacked her husband's Twitter account and had been posting alleged conversations he had with Pakistani journalist Mehr Tarar.
One message she posted supposedly came from Tarar and read, "I love you, Shashi Tharoor. And I go while in love with you, irrevocably, irreversibly, hamesha [always] Bleeding, but always your Mehr."
Sunanda also called the journalist a stalker, which Tarar had been denying as she did with the reports of an affair. Tarar also has claimed that Sunanada was merely imagining the affair,
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