Indian diplomat Devyani Khobragade will be leaving the U.S. on Thursday after being granted diplomatic immunity, despite being indicted on two charges.
On the condition of anonymity, two U.S. officials said that she had not yet left after being indicted, reports CNN. The consul general's arrest in December angered India as she was strip-searched and arrested on charges of making false statements on a housekeeper's visa application and fraud.
India had demanded that Khobragade been given an apology and the charges dropped. Her father, Uttam, spoke out saying, "The charges against her are atrocious and the treatment meted out to her inhuman."
According to Fox News, the Indian diplomat was indicted on both counts, but as she is leaving the country will not charged. U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said, "We will alert the court promptly if we learn that the defendant returns to the United States in a non-immune capacity, at which time the government will proceed to prosecute this case."
Khobragade was initially arrested after she was accused of paying her former housekeeper lower than the U.S. minimum wage, but claimed she was paying her $4,500 a month. India directed most of their fury at the strip-search and being placed in a cell with others.