During its presentation at the Computer Electronics Show in Las Vegas Monday, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich announced that it would be renaming its McAfee brand of security products. The company also unveiled its Edison computer, which is the size of an SD card.
McAfee, which was tainted after its namesake John McAfee got embroiled in a murder case in Central America, has been owned by Intel since 2010. According to CNN Money, Intel said in 2012 that it didn’t have any desire to rename the brand, but Krzanich said Monday that it will get a new name.
The brand will now be called Intel Security, but it will still have the familiar red shield logo that consumers know.
The final blow for Intel may have come after McAfee appeared in a bizarre, profanity-filled YouTube video in which he slammed his software. He also sent the following tweet Tuesday:
To the company formerly known as McAfee: Thank you! Thank you! http://t.co/rmCiSaPdOx #CES2014
— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) January 7, 2014
Intel also had another major announcement to make at CES. According to ReadWrite, the company unveiled The Edison, the first tiny computer to run on its new Quark microcomputer technology. Krzanich said that it is “aimed at developers” and he’s confident that makers of wearable devices will use it.
InformationWeek notes that Krzanich said that his company wants to “Make everything smart.” Intel even showed off a smart coffee mug that visualizes data. The first product with the Edison computer will be Nursery 2.0, clothing for an infant with the computer monitoring the infant’s health.
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