Teresa Gilmete Badger, a teacher from northern California, was arrested in Benicia for allegedly bringing marijuana in her food to an after school party held by faculty without anyone's knowledge.

This party ended with several people leaving sick, reportedly because they ate Badger's food. A 15-year-old also got sick from the food after eating leftovers from the faculty party, according to ABCLocal. Badger denied involvement in the teenager's sickness when she was arrested on Friday.

For these illnesses that occurred, Badger was accused of poisoning her fellow school employees. The people who became sick complained that they felt high, and two of them were treated at a hospital.

One of the patients tested positive for THC in their blood work, according to SFGate. THC is a known marijuana substance.

Lieutenant Frank Hartig of the Benicia Police Department thinks "half of them developed symptoms or objective signs of being under the influence" out of the 15 to 20 people who showed up to the party.

Even though she once earned an award for outstanding achievement as a kindergarten teacher, Badger now faces three felony counts of poisoning.