Lee Young Hee, executive vice president of Samsung, has revealed that the Samsung Galaxy S5 will be available around April to compete with Apple’s iPhone. Hee also revealed that the company is working on a new eye scanner technology.

“We’ve been announcing our first flagship model in the first half of each year, around March and April, and we are still targeting for release around that time,” he told Bloomberg.

To compete with the iPhone 5’s fingerprint sensor, the company is working on making their mark in the high-end mobile market with an eye scanner function, with Hee recognizing “Many people are fanatical about iris recognition technology.”

“When we release our S5 device, you can also expect a Gear successor with more advanced functions, and the bulky design will also be improved,” Hee noted, TIME reports.

The Samsung Galaxy S5 will also come with a product meant to be an improved version of the Galaxy Gear smartwatch. They will release these products together in addition to pushing marketing on their tablet computers in an effort to one-up their competition.